Thursday, January 6, 2011

New love, New home, New blog

It was the second week of August and I (Devon) was on a trip going across the Midwest with a friend. We had already been to Chicago, and St. Louis and were headed into Kansas City when plans changed and we decided abruptly to stay in Columbia with someone I had known instead. My friend in KC was working and we were without a car, so it would have made the next couple days quite boring sitting around a house in western Missouri. However, we arrived late in Columbia and it was there that I met Johnathon. Luckily, my friend who we had planned on staying with, was in between moving and was staying at John's house for a bit. Thus, we stayed there as well. It only took a trip to Steak and Shake, some board games, and a trip to swim in a river and housing complex pool, to realize we both were quite interested in one another. We spent over four months apart, traveling to see each other when we could. Which only turned out to be once a month. And finally December came around and I had applied to schools in Columbia, and he came flying in after a lucky fiasco at the airport to pick me up. It's been almost 3 weeks ago that I arrived here to make a home and a life with him. So this will be our story.